Thursday, 11 October 2018

ASWO Order Generation

For those of you in the white goods trade, it is now possible to export supplier orders directly to ASWO.  If you have an ASWO account, all you need to know is your customer number, and ensure ASWO's part number is entered within the Supplier Part Code field of your stock record.

Just for reference, ASWO's part number begins with a '#' (hash) symbol, however you must not actually enter the hash symbol into the Supplier Part Code field, just use the part letters / numbers only.

Build up your ASWO order the same way as you would do with other suppliers, then from the List Supplier Orders screen select the 'Export To...' button followed by 'ASWO Website'.  The system will give you the location of the generated order file.

Next, open ASWO's website and click on the shopping basket icon, click the 'Browse' button to locate the order file, followed by 'Import' - the imported order items will then appear within the shopping basket.

This is available within Mercury Systems version 282 and higher.