Friday, 27 November 2015

New 'Asset Register' Module

Mercury Systems version 254 now contains a new 'Asset Register' module.

This module can be used to record and track the whereabouts of stock items that you may rent out or loan to clients.  Once you create your list of asset items, you can assign items to selected clients, recall items from clients, display and print out a history of movements for items, and automatically add those items to a client's contract schedule for easy PPM visits and invoicing.

New items can be copied from existing items for quick entry, and a control screen provides an easy overview of all asset items and their current location.

If you supply rental items or loan items to clients, please give this new module a try.

New 'Read Receipt' Option When Sending EMails

When sending an email through the latest versions of Mercury Systems, you can now select an option to request a 'Read Receipt' from the recipient's email system.  With this option set, and providing the recipient's email system doesn't explicitly reject requests, you should then receive a confirmation that your email has been received and actually read by the recipient.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

System Reminders Can Now Be Set For Selected Users

Prior to version 255, any system reminders created were displayed to every Mercury Systems user when the reminder became due.  From version 255 onwards, the system reminders module now allows you to create reminders for any number of selected users. When a user then logs in to Mercury Systems, or at the appointed date and time, any reminders eligible for that user will be displayed.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Invoice Number Streams Merged

Until now, the invoice numbering streams for Mercury Service Manager and Mercury Stock Manager were kept apart. Now you can optionally choose to combine the invoice number streams so that finalizing an invoice on either system uses the next invoice number from a single invoice number stream.

This new option applies to Mercury Systems version 253 and higher.

Contact Hatchgate Software if you think this may be of interest.