Friday, 26 April 2013


I am away on vacation from Saturday 11th May until Wednesday 29th May inclusive.

During this time I should be able to respond to emails and occasionally hold a voice conversation using Skype, as I am taking a spare laptop with me.  I should also be able to connect to your pc’s / server’s in the event of an emergency.

As most of you know, it is my policy to not issue program updates for a couple of weeks before going away (as I don’t want to risk introducing any new problems beforehand), so updates are going to cease in the next few days.

Therefore, if you have any issues that cannot wait, please phone or email me now.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

If you use the Mercury ServiceWeb website…

Currently, the Mercury Background Tasks (MTask) utility sends data to the ServiceWeb website only once or twice per day.

However I have recently improved the utility to make the sending of data more efficient, thus we can now send updates to the website every 20 minutes.

This means your account customers can now see progress / updates to your service job records no later than 20 minutes after you modify the records on your office database.

(This is available on MTask version 146 and higher).

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Colour coding automatic status assignments…

Some of you already assign colours to job status descriptions so that jobs can display a different colour according to their current status.

A new feature within Mercury Systems (build version 172 and higher) allows you to also assign colour to automatic status descriptions (e.g. Job created; Job assigned to…; Job moved to…;  Job deleted from…).

How to set this up – Using any code you like, add the following status descriptions within F8 Status Codes Maintenance (these entries are case-sensitive so enter them exactly as below, without quotations):-

“Job created”
“Job assigned to”
“Job moved to”
“Job deleted from”

(Note the capital ‘J’, the rest is lower case).

For each new entry, assign a colour in the usual way (do not tick any boxes); click New/update to save the colour setting.

Once your system has been updated to at least version 172, the new colour assignments will begin to work.